The practice of mutual aid is as old as life itself, and practiced not only by humans but all forms of life. It is a practice of cooperation and reciprocity and should be used as a form of political organizing that furthers the project of defeating violent systemic issues.
J-Town Action and Solidarity practices mutual aid through a weekly Power Up, held every Saturday in Little Tokyo. For the last
4 years, I have had the honor of organizing and documenting this intersection of extreme beauty and unimaginable horror in my community.
The practice of mutual aid is as old as life itself, and practiced not only by humans but all forms of life. It is a practice of cooperation and reciprocity and should be used as a form of political organizing that furthers the project of defeating violent systemic issues.
J-Town Action and Solidarity practices mutual aid through a weekly Power Up, held every Saturday in Little Tokyo. For the last
4 years, I have had the honor of organizing and documenting this intersection of extreme beauty and unimaginable horror in my community.